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2021 FTA Section 5310 Compendium

Americans with Disabilities Act: Requirements for Section 5310 Recipients Background The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a civil rights law prohibiting discrimination against persons with disabilities. Under Title II of the ADA, public transportation must be accessible to and usable by people with disabilities, including wheelchair users. The U.S. Department of Transportation (U.S. DOT)…

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2021 Section 5310 Spotlight: Area Agencies on Aging and Section 5310 Funding

This informational brief explains how Area Agencies on Aging provide a wide range of services and supports to older adults in the United States, and therefore play an important role in the development, oversight, and funding of transportation services in the communities they serve. Two Area Agencies on Aging that are utilizing section 5310 funds…

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How Section 5310 Supports Community Transportation Innovations

The Best Practice, How Section 5310 Supports Community Transportation Innovations includes a snapshot of the Section 5310 Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Program and describes how former grantees use this funding to improve transportation accessibility in their communities. This best practice is featured in the Best Practices Compendium, all of which are based…

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NADTC Best Practices Compendium

The Best Practices Compendium is a compilation of the lessons learned by the 16 grant programs funded by NADTC from 2017 through 2019. The overall purpose of these demonstration grants was to establish one or more innovations—new transportation services or programs—in the selected communities. Such innovations have the potential to serve as models that may…

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Transit Assessment Toolkit

The Transit Assessment Toolkit incorporates a series of checklists designed to assist new transit managers in assessing the current state of operations. The toolkit provides suggestions for improvement in the areas of human resources, communications, finance, operations, facilities and vehicle maintenance, and emergency preparedness. The toolkit is designed with newer industry professionals in mind, with…

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2018 Transportation Trends Report

This report reviews 2018’s trending topics in transportation. The Trends Report provides access to information about local communities’ efforts to develop, fund, and operate accessible transportation. Each brief within the report includes case studies on how changes in transportation are being implemented in states and communities in the U.S. 2018 topics include: • Cancer Care…

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