Facts about Service Animals and Transportation
Comments OffThis rack card includes the U.S. DOT’s definition of a service animal, customer’s rights and responsibilities regarding service animals, and customer service practices. This resource can be printed on cardstock and used in a brochure rack or with other marketing and training materials.
My Transportation Plan Tool
Comments OffIn May 2024, the My Transportation Plan Tool was presented at the National Lifespan Respite conference as a way to assist caregivers and others in creating a transportation support plan. The tool provides a framework for creating a transportation inventory of local transportation options and organizing recurring and personal trips.
Amplifying Voices of Caregivers in Transportation
Comments OffThis video is part of the 2022 Online Caregiving and Transportation Course that focused on the important role caregivers have in managing transportation, including the indirect impacts that transportation, or lack thereof, can have on caregivers and the importance of including caregiver voices in shaping community transportation options and support. In addition to speaker presentations…
Technical Assistance Brief-Dual Eligibility for Medicare and Medicaid
Comments OffThis technical assistance brief provides resources to increase understanding of both Medicare and Medicaid programs and what transportation benefits are available for those who are dually eligible.
NADTC Transportation Equity Brief–Caregivers and Transportation
Comments OffThis Equity Brief centers on learnings derived from the DEI Initiative about the role of caregivers from marginalized communities.
Listening to Riders and Providers: A Synthesis Report on NADTC’s Focus Groups and Stakeholder Meetings
Comments OffA summary of NADTC’s 2022 DEI focus group and stakeholder meetings.
Assisting Passengers with Alzheimer’s and Dementia
Comments OffThis publication provides information, tips and resources for bus operators assisting passengers with Alzheimer’s and Dementia. Operators who are aware of the challenges that individuals with dementia and their caregivers face, are better able to recognize dementia symptoms and ensure a safe trip for all riders.
Rides to Health and Wealth: A driving force for rural health network action Webinar
Comments OffNADTC hosted the Rides to Health and Wealth webinar on March 10 ,2020. View and listen to the webinar Download a copy of the webinar transcript in Word This webinar highlighted west central Missouri’s nine- county Health and Wealth Network and it’s collaborative approach to building rural transportation options. The Network’s Rides to Health and…
2019 Trends Report Topic Spotlight: Mental Health and Transportation
Comments OffIn this Mental Health and Transportation Topic Spotlight , NADTC reviews how access to mental health services for disadvantaged populations requires coordination of a number of different elements, including transportation providers. This brief takes a look examples of how some transportation agencies are using federal, local and/or state funding to coordinate or provide transportation to mental health services.
2019 Trends Report Topic Spotlight: Scooter Policies and Accessibility within Shared Pedestrian Space
Comments OffIn this Scooter Polices and Accessibility Topic Spotlight, NADTC explores the expansion of micromobility to include e-scooters and how the devices present challenges and opportunities in maintaining accessibility in public spaces. This brief takes a look at examples from Georgia and Texas.