17 Sep 24

Facts about Service Animals and Transportation

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This rack card includes the U.S. DOT’s definition of a service animal, customer’s rights and responsibilities regarding service animals, and customer service practices. This resource can be printed on cardstock and used in a brochure rack or with other marketing and training materials.

05 Jan 22

Travel Training

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The Best Practice, Travel Training, describes the experiences of two grantees that implemented travel training programs. Travel training addresses specific travel needs in different communities. These programs can provide older adults and people with disabilities with the knowledge and tools they need to travel more independently and with greater confidence   This best practice is featured in the Best…

12 Mar 20

2019 Trends Report Topic Spotlight: Mental Health and Transportation

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In this Mental Health and Transportation Topic Spotlight , NADTC reviews how access to mental health services for disadvantaged populations requires coordination of a number of different elements, including transportation providers. This brief takes a look examples of how some transportation agencies are using federal, local and/or state funding to coordinate or provide transportation to mental health services.    

30 Jan 20

Medical Transportation: Multi-Model Approaches to Accessing Health Care Services Toolkit

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The Medical Transportation Toolkit was adapted from NADTC’s fall 2019 online course which provided an in-depth look at transportation programs addressing the gaps in access to health care services in their community and how these programs play a key role in providing medical transportation services to older adults and people with disabilities. This toolkit is designed to provide organizations…

29 Jan 20

2019 Transportation Trends Report

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This report reviews 2019’s trending topics in transportation. The Trends Report provides an overview of what’s trending in the industry, questions we receive at NADTC and important transportation issues in communities across the U.S. 2019 topics include: Filling a Need: Hiring People with Disabilities in Transit Travel Training for Older Adults Procuring Demand Response Transit…

13 Jun 19

2018 Trends Report Topic Spotlight: Opioid Use and Transportation

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In this Opioid Use and Transportation Topic Spotlight, NADTC explores how transportation to opioid treatment is an eligible activity under federal funding programs, and communities across the country are making a concerted effort to involve transportation providers in recognizing opioid abuse and providing support to those addressing addiction. Programs in Idaho, Illinois, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota,…

19 Apr 19

2018 Transportation Trends Report

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This report reviews 2018’s trending topics in transportation. The Trends Report provides access to information about local communities’ efforts to develop, fund, and operate accessible transportation. Each brief within the report includes case studies on how changes in transportation are being implemented in states and communities in the U.S. 2018 topics include: • Cancer Care…

29 Jan 19

Accessible Pedestrian Pathways: Course Materials

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In Summer 2019, NADTC hosted the Accessible Pedestrian Pathways mini-course. The course focused on pedestrian accessibility, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements related to accessible pathways, technology applications, the walkability movement in the United States, conducting walkability assessments at the community level, and examples of local projects. The course ran from August 6 – September…

19 Jun 18

2017 Trends Report Topic Spotlight: ADA No-Shows and Cancellations

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Americans with Disabilities Act policies regarding Complementary Paratransit customer no-shows and ride cancellations are the focus of this Topic Spotlight, one of six transportation issues reported on in the National Aging and Disability Transportation Center 2017 Transportation Trends Report. The complete report discusses trending topics—significant issues that affect the availability of accessible transportation in communities—identified by…

13 Jun 18

ARCHIVED – Disability Sensitivity and the ADA Complaint Process Webinar

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On April 12, 2018, NADTC presented this webinar on disability sensitivity and the ADA complaint process for transportation providers. Topics include serving customers with disabilities and etiquette for interacting with customers who have disabilities in the transit environment. Additionally, examples of recognizing how to accommodate the needs of these customers will be provided along with an…