2021 Trends Report Spotlight: Travel Training During a Global Pandemic
Comments OffRiding the bus can be challenging and sometimes confusing for users, especially during a pandemic with added restrictions or mandates. Travel Training plays a vital role for transit agencies to communicate and train current or potential riders on how to use the transportation system. This Trends Report highlights two examples of transit agencies who completely…
ARCHIVED – Pedestrian Connections: Planning for the Walkability Needs of Older Adults and People with Disabilities from Current Conditions to a Future Environment with Automated Vehicles Webinar
Comments OffNADTC hosted a Pedestrian Connections webinar on September 4, 2018 about the changing landscape of accessible pedestrian planning–from traditional local-level programs that encourage the involvement of older adults and people with disabilities in the walkability audit process to assessing the role of automated and connected vehicle technology related to accessible pedestrian movement. Presenters were Meg Ann Traci,…
ARCHIVED – NADTC and FHWA Safe Crossings at Transit Stops Webinar
Comments OffOn April 19, 2018, the National Aging and Disability Transportation Center and the Federal Highway Administration, along with Phoenix Valley Metro, Washington, DC Metro, and Richmond GRTA hosted a webinar on improving safety and accessibility for mid-block crossings that reach transit stops. This webinar supports the Federal Highway Administration’s Safe Transportation for Every Pedestrian (STEP)…
2016 Trends Report Topic Spotlight: Addressing Safety Concerns
Comments OffThe potential safety concerns of older adults and people with disabilities as they plan to use public transportation is the focus of this Topic Spotlight, one of seven transportation issues reported on in the National Aging and Disability Transportation Center 2016 Transportation Trends Report. The complete report discusses trending topics—significant issues that affect the availability…
Pedestrian Information Brief: Ways to Support Accessible, Safe Pedestrian Paths to Transportation and Service Centers
Comments OffThis information brief examines the importance of pedestrian paths of travel to and from centers that serve seniors and people with disabilities, identifies ways that center staff and program participants can get involved in the pedestrian planning process, and highlights a walking workshop in Montclair, New Jersey. Search Terms: Pedestrians
Ensuring Safe Accessible Pedestrian Routes for Older Adults
Comments OffThis information brief explores the subject of safe accessibility to pathways for seniors by exploring four programs or plans that emphasize the importance of safe pedestrian movement for older adults. Search Terms: Pedestrians
Falls Prevention Awareness and Public Transportation Brochure
Comments OffThis publication was developed to help older adults use public transportation independently, safely, and without fear. The publication reviews fall risks and potential safety measures within public transportation vehicles. There is also a separate tip sheet for drivers and older adult riders about safe travel and falls prevention.
Toolkit for the Assessment of Bus Stop Accessibility and Safety
Comments OffThis “how-to” toolkit addresses optimal bus stop design including a comprehensive assessment tool. Topics covered: shelter design, lighting, security, pedestrian environment, signage, wayfinding, technology, urban/rural considerations, and organizational collaboration.
Effective Snow Removal for Pathways and Transit Stops
Comments OffThis 24-page booklet highlights innovative policies and strategies used by U.S. and Canadian communities to improve accessible pathways and transit stops during winter weather.