02 Mar 23

Listening to Riders and Providers: A Synthesis Report on NADTC’s Focus Groups and Stakeholder Meetings

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A summary of NADTC’s 2022 DEI focus group and stakeholder meetings.

12 Dec 22

Meeting the Needs of Older Passengers with Vision Loss: Guidance for Transportation Providers

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This resource was created to provide guidance to transportation providers to better serve older adults with vision loss. This is a joint publication of the National Aging and Disability Transportation Center and the American Foundation for the Blind.

12 Dec 22

Drivers Make the Difference For Older Passengers with Vision Loss

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This resource provides drivers with techniques for helping older passengers with vision loss and ways to help drivers identify passengers who may need assistance. This is a joint publication of the National Aging and Disability Transportation Center and the American Foundation for the Blind.

22 Sep 22

Federal Funding for Transportation Programs Serving Older Adults and People with Disabilities

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This Resource Guide provides an inventory of federal grants that may be used to serve the transportation needs of older adults and people with disabilities.

11 Jul 22

Volunteer Driver Programs and the use of Section 5310 Funding

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Volunteer Driver Programs and the use of Section 5310 Funding introduces the benefits of volunteer programs, and its ability to supplement existing transportation services. This report highlights three programs who have overcome the impacts of COVID-19 and how they continue to provide this vital service to older adults and people with disabilities.

11 Jul 22

Travel Training Instruction using FTA Section 5310

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Travel Training Instruction using FTA Section 5310 provides an overview of the various programs available to people who want to learn how to ride the bus, which is often the biggest fear or barrier for new riders. This report showcases three travel training programs from around the country who have implemented formal travel training programs,…

11 Jul 22

Making 5310 Funding Work for Transportation DEI Efforts

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Making 5310 Funding Work for Transportation DEI Efforts emphasizes the importance of inclusive planning and addressing the specific challenges and needs of diverse populations to better serve communities with greater equity, through regular practice and programming.  This report showcases the efforts of Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT), and how they analyzed the use of…

28 Jun 22

Mobility Management and FTA Section 5310

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Mobility Management and FTA Section 5310, highlights the important role of mobility mangers, and the impact they can have on individual riders and the community or region being served. This report showcases two agencies who have built a mobility management program from the ground up, and continue to grow and implement innovative projects.

20 May 22

Safe Trips in a Connected Transportation Network

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This coordination case study describes how the Atlanta Regional Commission is working with local jurisdictions and regional partners to integrate five programs into a single system that will provide users with personalized, complete trip information.

16 May 22

2021 Section 5310 Spotlight: Area Agencies on Aging and Section 5310 Funding

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This informational brief explains how Area Agencies on Aging provide a wide range of services and supports to older adults in the United States, and therefore play an important role in the development, oversight, and funding of transportation services in the communities they serve. Two Area Agencies on Aging that are utilizing section 5310 funds…