Found 125 results
ARCHIVED – Going Beyond Borders
This webinar features programs that enable clients and passengers to go beyond a typical jurisdictional border. Crossing a county or state line may go unnoticed when driving, but for many older adults and people with disabilities who do not drive, that line may represent a barrier to much-needed services, including access to medical care, shopping,…
Read more »Exploring Human Services Transportation: Materials Toolkit
In the Winter of 2017, NADTC conducted an online course exploring the role of human services agencies in transportation. The following written and video material resulted from the two-month program. While each of these sessions is complementary to one another, they can be reviewed independently. You may notice that the materials posted reference Learning Assignments…
Read more »Bringing Mobility as a Service to the United States: Accessibility Opportunities and Challenges
According to the MaaS Alliance, “Mobility as a Service (MaaS) puts users, both travelers and goods, at the core of transport services, offering them tailor-made mobility solutions based on their individual needs. This means that, for the first time, easy access to the most appropriate transport mode or service will be included in a bundle…
Read more »Pedestrian Information Brief: Ways to Support Accessible, Safe Pedestrian Paths to Transportation and Service Centers
This information brief examines the importance of pedestrian paths of travel to and from centers that serve seniors and people with disabilities, identifies ways that center staff and program participants can get involved in the pedestrian planning process, and highlights a walking workshop in Montclair, New Jersey. Search Terms: Pedestrians
Read more »Coordinated Transportation Planning Information Brief: Requirements, Strategies, and Tools for Meaningful Engagement for Older Adults and People with Disabilities
This information brief examines federal Section 5310 requirements related to meaningful engagement of older adults and people with disabilities in the transportation planning process. The second part of the brief reviews strategies used in public meetings, stakeholder groups, and engagement exercises, and identifies pros and cons of different types of engagement methods depending on their…
Read more »ARCHIVED – Innovative Routes to Transportation
This September 2016 webinar, brought to you by NASUAD, AIRS and n4a, highlights innovative programs and initiatives that address transportation needs. Learn about the newly formed National Aging and Disability Transportation Center (NADTC) which promotes the availability and accessibility of transportation options for older adults, people with disabilities, caregivers and communities. The presenters are National…
Read more »Section 5310 Funding: An Application Checklist
The Section 5310 Program: Enhanced Mobility for Seniors & Individuals with Disabilities is a federally funded, flexible state-managed program that attempts to remove barriers to transportation for seniors and individuals with disabilities. Funding is intended to support programs that serve the special needs of transit-dependent populations beyond traditional public transportation services and Americans with Disabilities…
Read more »Ensuring Safe Accessible Pedestrian Routes for Older Adults
This information brief explores the subject of safe accessibility to pathways for seniors by exploring four programs or plans that emphasize the importance of safe pedestrian movement for older adults. Search Terms: Pedestrians
Read more »Functional Assessment of Cognitive Transit Skills (FACTS)
Guidelines for production, administration and scoring of the functional assessment, the development and validation of a functional cognitive test, an environmental barrier analysis for individuals who are blind or who have low vision, and a presentation of some current practices. FACTS Resources Functional Assessment of Cognitive Transit Skills Guidelines for Production, Administration & Scoring…
Read more »Engaging a Faith-based Organization Can Expand Community Outreach & Collaboration Information Brief
This information brief presents a snapshot of a project that effectively engaged a wide variety of organizations and agencies in an effort to expand community outreach and collaboration on maximizing mobility options and delivery of multi-modal transportation services for older adults. An especially successful element of this collaboration was the inclusion of a large consortium…
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