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Travel Training
The Best Practice, Travel Training, describes the experiences of two grantees that implemented travel training programs. Travel training addresses specific travel needs in different communities. These programs can provide older adults and people with disabilities with the knowledge and tools they need to travel more independently and with greater confidence This best practice is featured in the Best…
Read more »Transportation Call Centers and Information & Referral/Assistance
The Best Practice, Transportation Call Centers and Information & Referral/Assistance, highlights successful strategies call centers can use to increase ridership by simplifying the process and increasing trust. This best practice is featured in the Best Practices Compendium, all of which are based on work of grant projects supported by NADTC, 2017-2019.
Read more »Access to Healthy Food
The Best Practice, Access to Health Food describes the approaches of three former NADTC grantees to address hunger and provide better access to healthy food in their communities. This best practice is featured in the Best Practices Compendium, all of which are based on work of grant projects supported by NADTC, 2017-2019.
Read more »How Section 5310 Supports Community Transportation Innovations
The Best Practice, How Section 5310 Supports Community Transportation Innovations includes a snapshot of the Section 5310 Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Program and describes how former grantees use this funding to improve transportation accessibility in their communities. This best practice is featured in the Best Practices Compendium, all of which are based…
Read more »NADTC Best Practices Compendium
The Best Practices Compendium is a compilation of the lessons learned by the 16 grant programs funded by NADTC from 2017 through 2019. The overall purpose of these demonstration grants was to establish one or more innovations—new transportation services or programs—in the selected communities. Such innovations have the potential to serve as models that may…
Read more »2020 Trends Report Spotlight: Transportation for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (I/DD)
For people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD), accessing dependable and accessible transportation services in their communities continues to be a significant barrier to independence and opportunities. During their lifetime, persons with I/DD need access to an array of services that may include employment/vocational training, healthcare, education, socialization, and other activities of daily living. Transportation…
Read more »Planning for Sustainability
Planning for sustainability is an essential component of a project from the start. This is especially true with grant programs that have limited term, start-up funding. This document is designed to provide you with a checklist of considerations as you plan for sustainability.
Read more »Critical Issues in Human Services Transportation
This information brief is based on the “Fundamentals of Human Services Transportation” online course offered by the National Aging and Disability Transportation Center in the summer of 2020. The course was designed to address both best practices and transportation trends likely to impact human services transportation. The major topics covered in the course are included…
Read more »Inclusive Mobility: Enabling the Participation of Older Adults and People with Disabilities
The National Aging & Disability Transportation Center and Shared Use Mobility Center co-hosted a webinar about shared mobility and how to make these options work for older adults and people with disabilities. Click here to listen to the webinar recording Click here to view the webinar transcript Click below to view the PowerPoint presentations –…
Read more »2019 Trends Report Topic Spotlight: Filling a Need: Hiring Veterans and People with Disabilities in Transit
In this Hiring Veterans and People with Disabilities in Transit Topic Spotlight, NADTC reviews the hiring of veterans and people with disabilities in transit. There are many transit agencies that could benefit from the capabilities of and value added by qualified applicants with disabilities. This report guides agencies in understanding the values, skills, and ideas people…
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