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ARCHIVED – Going Beyond Borders

This webinar features programs that enable clients and passengers to go beyond a typical jurisdictional border. Crossing a county or state line may go unnoticed when driving, but for many older adults and people with disabilities who do not drive, that line may represent a barrier to much-needed services, including access to medical care, shopping,…

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ARCHIVED – Innovative Routes to Transportation

This September 2016 webinar, brought to you by NASUAD, AIRS and n4a, highlights innovative programs and initiatives that address transportation needs. Learn about the newly formed National Aging and Disability Transportation Center (NADTC) which promotes the availability and accessibility of transportation options for older adults, people with disabilities, caregivers and communities. The presenters are National…

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ARCHIVED – Enhanced Transportation Information & Referral

These webinars review the innovative collaboration among two Texas Area Agencies on Aging and their local 2-1-1 service. Presenters discussed what makes this collaboration work and offered examples that illustrate how enhanced Transportation I&R/A supports older adults living in the community.

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