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Half or Reduced Fare Requirements for Transit
FTA’s public transportation law requires transit agencies that receive funds through the Federal Transit Administration’s Section 5307 Urbanized Area Formula Program to offer half fare or reduced fare to older adults and individuals with disabilities during off-peak hours for fixed-route services. NADTC has updated information from a 2018 blog post with the same title.
Read more »Amplifying Voices of Caregivers in Transportation
This video is part of the 2022 Online Caregiving and Transportation Course that focused on the important role caregivers have in managing transportation, including the indirect impacts that transportation, or lack thereof, can have on caregivers and the importance of including caregiver voices in shaping community transportation options and support. In addition to speaker presentations…
Read more »Technical Assistance Brief–Resources on Rides for Employment for Older Adults and People with Disabilities
Transportation enables older adults and individuals with disabilities to access and sustain paid employment or volunteer work activities. Transportation options can vary considerably depending on the geographic area, this TA brief provides resources and best practices from the transportation industry that can assist in finding what’s best for your area.
Read more »The Growing Involvement of Area Agencies on Aging in Community Transportation
According to 2022 National Survey of Area Agencies on Aging, 91% of Area Agencies on Aging provide transportation to support the mobility needs of older adults and people with disabilities. In this third webinar in NADTC’s series on Human Services Transportation, speakers from USAging will detail the survey’s findings on the types of transportation provided by…
Read more »Technical Assistance Brief-Microtransit Accessibility
This technical assistance brief provides resources for accessibility on microtransit services. Microtransit is a form of shared-ride on-demand transport that extends the reach of transit systems or in some cases, replaces fixed routes.
Read more »Technical Assistance Brief-Dual Eligibility for Medicare and Medicaid
This technical assistance brief provides resources to increase understanding of both Medicare and Medicaid programs and what transportation benefits are available for those who are dually eligible.
Read more »Office Hours: Using Assistive Technology in Transportation
Click here for recording Click here for presentation slides On June 28 from 1:00-2:00 PM ET NADTC’s office hours will focus on the use of assistive technology in transportation and how transportation programs may accommodate for their use to better serve older adults and people with disabilities. This session will feature a presentation by Robert…
Read more »Office Hours: Riders with Vision Loss: New Tools from NADTC and the American Foundation for the Blind
Click here to view the recording Click here for the presentation slides On Thursday, March 2 at 2:00 – 3:00 PM, ET, NADTC will host an office hours session focused on strategies for better serving the transportation needs of older adults with vision loss. Two new resources available on the NADTC website: Meeting the Needs…
Read more »Meeting the Needs of Older Passengers with Vision Loss: Guidance for Transportation Providers
This resource was created to provide guidance to transportation providers to better serve older adults with vision loss. This is a joint publication of the National Aging and Disability Transportation Center and the American Foundation for the Blind.
Read more »Drivers Make the Difference For Older Passengers with Vision Loss
This resource provides drivers with techniques for helping older passengers with vision loss and ways to help drivers identify passengers who may need assistance. This is a joint publication of the National Aging and Disability Transportation Center and the American Foundation for the Blind.
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