FTA Discretionary Grant Technical Assistance

Transportation van driving on dirt road

NADTC Technical Assistance for FTA Grantees

NADTC provides person-centered technical assistance to organizations who have been awarded Federal Transit Administration (FTA) grants, helping build capacity and creating opportunities for learning and knowledge exchange among grantees. NADTC is positioned to collect and share best practices of potentially replicable projects with the larger public by sharing the final grantee reports. NADTC provides technical assistance to the Innovative Coordinated Access and Mobility (ICAM) Pilot Program, Human Services Coordination Research (HSCR) and Mobility for All (M4A) grant programs.

Awarded Grants

Access and Mobility Partnership Grants

Access and Mobility Partnership Grants focused on improving access to public transportation by building partnerships among health, transportation and other service providers. The program supported innovative projects for the transportation disadvantaged that improved the coordination of transportation services and non-emergency medical transportation services. In 2018, there were two funding opportunities under the initiative: the Innovative Coordinated Access and Mobility (ICAM) Pilot Program and Human Services Coordination Research (HSCR) grants. In 2021, only the ICAM funding was available.

ICAM – Innovative Coordinated Access and Mobility

  • ICAM Pilot Program grants were awarded competitively to finance innovative capital projects for the transportation disadvantaged that improve the coordination of non-emergency medical transportation services.

HSCR – Human Services Coordination Research Program

  • HSCR grants supported innovative strategies in the coordination of human services transportation to provide more effective and efficient transportation services to seniors, individuals with disabilities, and low-income individuals. The HSCR projects addressed gaps identified in locally developed Coordinated Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Plans.

M4A – Mobility for All Grants

Mobility for All grants were awarded by FTA in FY 2020 and were designed to improve mobility options through innovative transportation coordination strategies and build partnerships that enhance mobility and access to vital community services for older adults, individuals with disabilities, and people of low income. Funds under the Mobility for All Pilot Program were allowed to be used for capital projects that derived from Coordinated Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Plans.

Meet the Grantees

The map below provides details about each grantee; where they are located, the amount of funding awarded, and a description of their project. Click on the square in the top left corner to access the information. Download an accessible version of the interactive Grantees map.

Grantee Final Reports

> ICAM – Innovative Coordinated Access and Mobility FY 2018-2019

Aaron E Henry Community Health Services Center, Inc

Boat People SOS

Capacity Builders, Inc.

Capital Hill Village

Central Midlands Regional Transit Authority

Council on Aging of Southwestern Ohio



Indiana University Health, Inc.

Mass Transportation Authority Flint

Missouri Rural Health

North Central Texas Council of Governments

People for People

Pinellas Suncoast Transit Authority

Pioneer Valley Transit Authority

Prairie Hills Transit

Ride Connection

Southern Highlands Community Mental Health Center

Southwestern WI Community Action Program, Inc.

The CW Williams Community Health Center, Inc.

Utah Transit Authority


Mobility for All Grants FY 2020

Missouri Rural Health Association

Access Services

Bayside Community Network Inc.

Heart of Iowa Regional Transit Agency (HIRTA)

Lane Transit District

Mass Transportation Authority Flint

Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments

MetroWest Regional Transit Authority

Oregon Department of Transportation

Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation


Human Services Coordination Research Program FY 2018

Community Action Partnership of Central Illinois

SouthEastern Arizona Governments Organization

Vermont Agency of Transportation

Volunteer Transportation Center

Maryland Department of Transportation



Grant Lifecyle: Application to Sustainability

Planning for Sustainability


About the National Aging and Disability Transportation Center

NADTC promotes the availability and accessibility of transportation options for older adults, people with disabilities, caregivers, and communities and provides support to Section 5310 programs.

The National Aging & Disability Transportation Center (NADTC) is a program funded by the Federal Transit Administration and Administered by Easterseals and USAging with guidance from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Community Living.