Rural Transportation Resources

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NADTC’s 2024 Rural Transportation Planning Grant Winners Announced

11.5.24 Publication

The 2024 Rural Community Innovations: Transportation Planning Grants have been awarded to twelve rural communities. This press release describes th...

2023 Innovations Showcase

4.16.24 Publication

INTRODUCTION This resource presents 14 Transportation Innovations selected by the National Aging and Disability Transportation Center (NADTC) throu...

NADTC Office Hours: A Conversation on Transportation in Tribal Communities

2.16.24 Webinar

On December 20, 2023, NADTC hosted an office hours session focused on the importance of access to transportation in tribal communities. The Cheroke...

Coordinating Transportation in Rural Areas

8.29.23 Webinar

Coordinating Transportation in Rural Areas Recording Coordinating Transportation in Rural Areas Presentation Slides NADTC will host the second in a...

Technical Assistance Brief–Resources on Starting and Funding Volunteer Transportation

8.23.23 Publication

This list of technical assistance resources on volunteer transportation can help local communities start, improve, or expand a volunteer transporta...

Developing Effective Surveys

5.5.23 Publication

NADTC’s 2022 course, Building Skills for Successful Transportation Program Delivery, provided guidance on how to design surveys that will res...

Every Ride Counts Campaign Guidance

3.24.23 Publication

NADTC’s Every Ride Counts campaign is designed to support local communities’ efforts to promote the availability and accessibility of transpo...

Virginia Rural Microtransit Project

5.11.22 Publication

This coordination case study highlights how Bay Transit and Mountain Empire Older Citizens have implemented a microtransit service to provide trans...

Rural Transportation Incubator

5.11.22 Publication

This coordination case study describes the efforts of Age Friendly Arizona as they launched the Rural Transportation Incubator which uses technolog...