Mobility Management Resources

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Using Non-FTA Federal Funds for Local Match

6.26.24 Publication

When it comes to applying for Federal Transit Administration (FTA) funding under various programs like Section 5307, Section 5310, and Section 5311...

Technical Assistance Brief-Microtransit Accessibility

11.3.23 Briefing

This technical assistance brief provides resources for accessibility on microtransit services. Microtransit is a form of shared-ride on-demand tran...

Technical Assistance Brief-Dual Eligibility for Medicare and Medicaid

11.3.23 Briefing

This technical assistance brief provides resources to increase understanding of both Medicare and Medicaid programs and what transportation benefit...

Every Ride Counts Campaign Guidance

3.24.23 Publication

NADTC’s Every Ride Counts campaign is designed to support local communities’ efforts to promote the availability and accessibility of transpo...

Mobility Management and FTA Section 5310

6.28.22 Publication

Mobility Management and FTA Section 5310, highlights the important role of mobility mangers, and the impact they can have on individual riders and ...

2021 Transportation Trends Report

2.17.22 Publication

This annual report reviews trending topics in the transportation industry, and provides an overview of the questions and comments we receive at NAD...

Brown Bag Webinar: Multi-Provider Coordination in Larimer County

6.2.20 Webinar

Click to listen and view webinar recording Click to download a copy of the presentation slides Join NADTC on Thursday, June 25 at 12:30 PM ET for o...

Information and Referral: NADTC Blog Post Resources

10.23.17 Publication

NADTC’s Transportation Information and Assistance Blog Series is a compilation of resource posts on the topic of information and referral/ass...

Building Relationships Between Mobility Managers & Centers for Independent Living

6.25.16 Publication

A compilation of the strategies and activities used in the Mobility Management Independent Living Coaches program from Centers for Independent Livi...