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ARCHIVED – Keys to a Successful Volunteer Transportation Program: Risk, Liability and Insurance Webinar

NADTC hosted the Keys to a Successful Volunteer Transportation Program: Risk, Liability and Insurance webinar on November 13, 2018.

View and listen to the webinar.

Download a copy of the webinar transcript in Word.

This webinar features four presenters from programs that serve a variety of communities. All Points Transit in Montrose, CO; Blount County Office on Aging, Senior Miles (SMiles) Program in Maryville, TN; NV Rides in Fairfax, VA and Sonoma County Area Agency on Aging in Santa Rosa, CA discussed their approach to risk, liability, and insurance for their programs and facilitate an engaging Q&A period with webinar attendees.

Speakers include:

TJ Burr, Mobility Manager, All Points Transit, Montrose, CO
Norine Doherty, Program Planning and Evaluation Analyst, Sonoma County Area Agency on Aging, Santa Rosa, CA
Jennifer Kanarek, Manager, NV Rides, Fairfax, VA
Joani Shaver, Director, Blount County Office on Aging, Senior Miles (SMiles) Program, Maryville, TN