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ARCHIVED – NADTC and FHWA Safe Crossings at Transit Stops Webinar

On April 19, 2018, the National Aging and Disability Transportation Center and the Federal Highway Administration, along with Phoenix Valley Metro, Washington, DC Metro, and Richmond GRTA hosted a webinar on improving safety and accessibility for mid-block crossings that reach transit stops. This webinar supports the Federal Highway Administration’s Safe Transportation for Every Pedestrian (STEP) program which promotes countermeasures at uncontrolled pedestrian crossings.

View and listen to the webinar.


Valley Metro, Phoenix
Sarath Joshua, PE, Senior Program Manager for IT and Safety, Maricopa Association of Governments
Jay Yenerich, PE, Manager of Capital Development Valley Metro

Metrobus, Washington, DC
Aaron Overman, PE, Office of Bus Planning, Scheduling and Customer Facilities

Pulse, GRTC Richmond
Ashley Mason, Marketing & Public Relations Specialist, BRT Project

Overview and Moderators
Carol Kachadoorian, Associate | Senior Planner, Toole Design Group
Becky Crowe, Transportation Specialist, Federal Highway Administration
Rachel Beyerle, Communications Director, NADTC
Ken Thompson, Technical Assistance Specialist, NADTC