NADTC Course Materials
Welcome to the NADTC Human Services Transportation Course Materials Page. The course syllabus, learning assignments, and glossary documents are posted at the top for reference. Each session will have an associated learning assignment and a unique Survey Monkey link for submission.
Course Syllabus and Course Learning Assignments
Glossary (Last updated February 13, 2017)
SESSION 1: A Changing Transportation Landscape: Exploring the Role of a Human Services Agency in Community Transportation
Many services and opportunities offered by human services agencies depend on affordable, accessible transportation to locations outside of the homes. Without transportation, an individual may experience a loss of independence, reduce their involvement in social activities and personal hobbies, or feel they can no longer be spontaneous in daily life. This session will highlight transportation as a critical element in ensuring aging and disability support in a community while introducing the concept of the family of transportation services and the wide range of services and systems necessary to meet the mobility needs of older adults and people with disabilities. What is the community transportation landscape? How do you decide where the gaps are and what is needed? It is critical that human services agencies become a part of the transportation solution, but what are the questions we need to be asking ourselves, our community members, and our transportation providers to ensure we are creating a holistic system?
This session will introduce examples from human services agencies with various approaches with involvement in their community’s family of transportation services. This session is an introduction to collaboration and partnerships (a topic to be revisited in depth in the next session, “Collaboration and Coordination”) and to the concept of Mobility Management (to be further discussed in the final session, “Pathways to Discovering Community Transportation Resources”).
Session 1 Materials
- Video Link (Total Length: 46 min, 55 sec), PowerPoint Link
- Video includes:
- Introduction and Remarks by Virginia Dize, NADTC Co-Director (Length: 11 min, 54 sec)
- Presentation by Judy Telge, Director of Development and Mobility Services and Sabrina Avila, Mobility Coordinator, Coastal Bend Center for Independent Living, Corpus Christi, TX (Length: 35min, 01 sec)
- Video includes:
- Written Material available for download by Cindy Zwart, Transportation Program Director, Sound Generations, Seattle, WA
- Session 1 Learning Assignment available for download.
- When finished please submit learning assignment via this SurveyMonkey link:
- Thought Questions: Think about the following questions as you listen and read through the provided material. We will also post these on the LinkedIn Forum.
- How effective is your community in identifying and meeting the transportation needs of the population you are concerned about?
- What can you do to increase support to better meet these transportation needs?
SESSION 2: “Human Services Transportation Collaboration and Coordination”
If your agency provides transportation, you may receive requests for transportation that you cannot fulfill – or you may find yourself with unused capacity. If your agency doesn’t provide transportation, you may find there are times when you cannot provide support services to those in need because the individuals cannot get transportation to facilities or appointments. Coordination among transportation service providers and human service agencies is a great way to get more results from limited resources, but it requires that agencies share resources and responsibilities. This session will feature examples of agencies successful in working together to create partnerships and address a variety of collaboration strategies.
Session 2 Materials
- Video Link (Total Length: 36 min, 34 sec), PowerPoint Link
- Video includes:
- Presentation by Jon Gaffney, Senior Mobility Analyst, Erin McAuliff, Transportation & Mobility Planner from Marin Transit and Ana Bagtas, Program Manager Marin County Department of Health & Human Services, Aging and Adult Services, San Rafael, CA. (Length: 22min, 30 sec)
- Presentation by Dave Lin, ACC Rides Volunteer Coordinator, ACC Senior Services, Sacramento, CA (Starts at the 22 min, 58 sec mark.)
- Video includes:
- Session 2 Written Material available for download by Cindy Zwart, Transportation Program Director, Sound Generations, Seattle, WA
- Session 2 Learning Assignment available for download.
- When finished please submit learning assignment via this SurveyMonkey link:
- Thought Questions: Think about the following questions as you listen and read through the provided material. We will also post these on the LinkedIn Forum.
- The two presentations in this session feature innovation and partnerships as a means of developing sustainable creative solutions. Each approach that is mentioned involved careful planning and multiple steps to result in a trusted relationship among different agencies. The ACC Rides and Marin County work addressed needs that were recognized in the community but were not being served by others. Think about the change that you are advocating for. What will it entail? Who is involved? How important are trusting relationships among agencies for the success of your idea?
SESSION 3: “Pathways to Discovering Community Transportation Resources”
This session will help agencies learn how to connect to valuable information, access services and discover community resources in a step by step process. Using the information learned about coordination in the previous session, we will review how information management (through programs such as one-call or one-click centers, mobility managers or travel training) is considered part of a larger transportation coordination process and provides critical support in making a transportation system work.
Session 3 Materials
- Video Link (Total Length: 45 min, 44 sec), PowerPoint Link
- Video includes presentation by Katie Kutcher, Aging Programs Coordinator, Centralina Council of Governments, Centralina Area Agency on Aging
- Session 3 Written Material available for download by Cindy Zwart, Transportation Program Director, Sound Generations, Seattle, WA
- Session 3 Learning Assignment available for download.
- When finished please submit learning assignment via this SurveyMonkey link:
- Thought Question: Think about the following as you listen and read through the provided material. We will also post this on the LinkedIn Forum.
- Katie Kutcher from the Centralina COG and Cindy Zwart from SoundGenerations outline some creative solutions around partnering with others/outreach to other agencies/coordinating solutions. For example, Katie speaks to a relationship between the Area Agency on Aging and the Transit Agency to provide ADA Awareness Training for drivers to enhance awareness of passenger needs. Cindy mentions a number of the efforts of her agency takes to coordinate solutions for riders, including working with nutrition site managers to ensure culturally appropriate service to their shared clients. Your learning assignment asks you to take action steps to start the conversation in your community about a solution you envision for your community. While it understandably may take some time to have a meeting, initiate a training, or develop a partnership, make a comment in the LinkedIn Forum with your ideas or if possible, with the outcomes of your efforts!