Resources for Older Adults

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ARCHIVED – Removing Barriers to Transportation and Expanding Mobility Webinar

8.28.18 Webinar

NADTC hosted the Removing Barriers webinar on August 23, 2018. This webinar features two of NADTC’s 2017 grantees, Berkshire Regional Plannin...

Before You Give Up the Keys: Create a Roadmap for Transportation Independence

1.22.18 Publication

Assess driving skills, consider public transportation, learn ways and tools to improve your driving, and learn about transportation options once yo...

Transportation Options for Older Adults and People with Disabilities

1.22.18 Publication

This brochure, developed by Eldercare Locator and the National Aging and Disability Transportation Center, introduces you to community transportati...

ARCHIVED – Providing Person-Centered Transportation Information to Older Adults and People with Disabilities

8.31.17 Webinar

This is the second webinar in the NADTC Webinar Series on Transportation Information and Assistance. To view the first webinar, visit the webinar r...

Ensuring Safe Accessible Pedestrian Routes for Older Adults

8.29.16 Publication

This information brief explores the subject of safe accessibility to pathways for seniors by exploring four programs or plans that emphasize the im...

Travel Training For Older Adults: Case Studies & Local Programs Information Brief

6.29.16 Publication

This information brief discusses five travel training program case studies drawn from community programs featured in TCRP Report 168 Parts I and II...

ARCHIVED – Addressing Transportation Barriers for Older Adults and People with Disabilities

6.17.16 Webinar

This webinar was held June 16, 2016. It was intended to help participants understand how to tap into some of the resources that might be available ...

Falls Prevention Awareness and Public Transportation Brochure

5.15.16 Publication

This publication was developed to help older adults use public transportation independently, safely, and without fear. The publication reviews fall...