EZ Ride is a non-profit, public-private partnership with a mission to implement transportation programs and services to improve the quality of life for residents of Bergen, Essex, Hudson, Monmouth, Passaic and Union Counties in northeast New Jersey. EZ Ride’s services are integrated, convenient and cost effective. The services include bike and pedestrian programs, carpools, vanpools,…
Thank you to guest blogger Vanessa V. Hansle, CEO/COO, Michigan Transportation Connection, and to Tom Page, Executive Director, Michigan 2-1-1 and Emily Houk, CEO, Research to Practice Consulting, LLC for preparing this post. The Michigan Transportation Connection (MTC): A Statewide Approach to Connecting Transportation & Information Finding transportation can be a daunting task for individuals…
Guest Blogger: Marshall Contino, Director of the Center for Vehicle Safety, Washington, DC. This article provides an overview of the benefits, challenges, and projected timeline for Self-Driving Vehicles (SDV) use on U.S. roadways. Autonomous Buses… Robot Cars…. Highly Automated Vehicles… People have assigned various names to the next generation of automobiles that will be used to…
The following is the third in a series of blogs on Transportation Information & Assistance and is part of a series of NADTC activities on the same topic, including two planned webinars and an information brief. Read the first post in the series here and the second post here. Our first blog post on this topic…
Guest Authors: Judy L. Shanley, Ph.D., Co-Director, National Center for Mobility Management and Vanessa Lacer, Mobility Manager, Wave Transit This blog is second in a series on Information & Referral. You can read the introductory blog in the series here. When it comes down to it, the mobility manager profession would not exist without information…
The following is the first in a series of blogs on Transportation Information & Assistance and is part of a series of NADTC activities on the same topic, including two planned webinars and an information brief. “Transportation information and assistance” is a broad term meant to encompass the varied approaches that communities may adopt to…
Since January 2017, NADTC has had the honor of supporting six communities through the “Innovations in Accessible Mobility” grant program. Each grantee is funded with up to $50,000 for 12 months (through December) to develop and implement innovations that expand mobility opportunities for older adults and people with disabilities in their communities. To learn more…
When it comes to applying for Federal Transit Administration grant funding under the Section 5307 (Urbanized Area and Passenger Ferry in Urbanized Areas), Section 5310 (Enhanced Mobility for Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities), and Section 5311 (Rural Areas) programs, determining the type of funds that may be used for local match can be critical, but…
This is the sixth and final blog in a series of technology alerts that have been shared with the NADTC mailing list. Make sure you check out the first five blog posts: “How Do I Get Started with Technology” , “What are the Keys to Making Technology Implementation Successful?”, “Navigating Funding Opportunities for Technology Planning and Deployment“, “An Embarrassment…
Shared mobility (e.g., rideshare and Transportation Network Companies such as Uber and Lyft) is transforming transportation options, particularly for older adults and people with disabilities. This blog post explores the results of 2016 Transit Cooperative Research Program Report 188 Shared Mobility and the Transformation of Public Transit. A full copy of the report and an…