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14 Sep 23

Designing Innovative Transportation Pilot Projects for All

Guest Blogger—Alvaro Villagran is director of federal programs for the Shared-Use Mobility Center (SUMC). The Shared-Use Mobility Center (SUMC) is a public-interest organization and an international thought leader in shared mobility. SUMC is working to replace car-centric transportation with people-focused shared mobility to fight climate change, promote equity and universal access, and strengthen community. Since…

25 Aug 23

The Inclusion of Travel Training in Transition Services

Transportation plays an integral role in our everyday lives. Many individuals with disabilities rely on accessible transportation or are often dependent on others to access everyday essentials. Many avoid using transportation services because they lack the knowledge or skills to access them. Travel training can be a valuable tool in helping navigate transportation options and…

11 Jul 23

Driver Recruitment and Retention Strategies

Guest Blogger—David Stephen is the senior communications specialist for the International Transportation Learning Center (ITLC) and leads the development of #ConnectingMyCommuity, the National Transit Frontline Worker Toolkit and Campaign. Learn more about the toolkit at, or contact him at Guest Blogger—Shayna Gleason is a research associate with ITLC. She conducts varied research projects,…

05 May 23

Transportation Supports Behavioral Health Access for Older Adults and People with Disabilities

Transportation providers serving older adults, people with disabilities, and caregivers understand that transportation is vital to the health of their riders, but often health is thought of in broad terms, and mental or behavioral health gets overlooked. Yet statistics show that behavioral health, a term which encompasses both mental health and substance use disorders (SUDs),…

18 Oct 22

A Ride to Independence: Kyle’s Story

Transportation allows individuals with disabilities to achieve and sustain employment, and as employment opportunities expand for people with disabilities to work in integrated settings, transportation services to these jobs become even more important.  While Medicaid waiver programs often cover transportation costs, some communities struggle to provide reliable transportation options afterhours or to employment outside of…

29 Apr 22

What Have We Learned From the COVID Pandemic?

The COVID-19 pandemic has rapidly changed how we live, work, and connect with our communities and family. The pandemic has tremendously altered how transit and human services transportation programs provide services and support their communities. As I struggled to think of an interesting way to express what human services transportation providers and public transit gained…

03 Feb 22

Put the Brakes on Human Trafficking

What is Human Trafficking? Human trafficking is generally understood to be the recruitment, harboring, transporting, provision, or obtaining of a person for labor or services through force, fraud our coercion, and has become the fastest growing enterprise in the world, creating a multi-billion dollar a year criminal industry. Since its inception in 2010, the President…

22 Jan 21

Spotlight on NADTC’s 2020 Innovations in Accessible Mobility Grantees

This blog was written by Caitlin Musselman, Senior Communications Associate at the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a). Learn how 10 communities across the country are working to implement innovative projects that will remove barriers to transportation and expand mobility options for older adults and people with disabilities. Local public transportation is a critical…