10 articles found in ‘Funding’ Category
Relief! CRRSAA Funding Available for 5310 Programs
Comments OffWhat is CRRSAA? On December 27, 2020, the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Act of 2021 (CRRSAA) was signed into law. For Enhanced Mobility for Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Program (Section 5310) grantees, this means that for the first time during the pandemic, there are relief funds specifically for Section 5310 programs. This is…
Spotlight on NADTC’s 2020 Innovations in Accessible Mobility Grantees
Comments OffThis blog was written by Caitlin Musselman, Senior Communications Associate at the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a). Learn how 10 communities across the country are working to implement innovative projects that will remove barriers to transportation and expand mobility options for older adults and people with disabilities. Local public transportation is a critical…
Act Now! The Census and Transportation
Comments OffThis blog is provided by Carrie Diamond, Training and Technical Assistance Specialist for the National Aging and Disability Transportation Center. If you have questions or comments, Carrie can be reached at cdiamond@easterseals.com According to the U.S. Constitution, the population of the country must be counted every 10 years. The last census was completed in…
Cost Allocation Among Funding Agencies
Comments OffIn our last NADTC blog , guest blogger Steve Yaffe discussed how more paratransit rides can be provided within budgetary limitations if paratransit operations and accounting are structured as a shared service, with costs proportionately allocated to each funding source. In this second blog of the series, we continue to look at paratransit cost-allocation, with a specific focus on how…
Paratransit Cost Allocation
Comments OffThank you to guest blogger Steve Yaffe for writing this month’s blog series on demand response transportation design and operations. The following is the first in a series of seven blogs highlighting the need for cost allocation, transit scheduling and technology. This blog focuses on how more paratransit rides can be provided within budgetary limitations if…
Creating Inclusive Shared Mobility for Older Adults and People with Disabilities
Comments OffThank you to guest blogger, Mitch LaRosa with Shared Mobility Inc. in Buffalo, New York, for preparing this post. This blog features highlights from their 2018 planning grant project whose goal was to engage in research to examine how shared mobility programs can be more inclusive for older adults, people with disabilities and veterans. Project…
Tracking Trends & Innovations in Demand Response Service
Comments OffWe welcome guest blogger Steve Yaffe of Yaffe Mobility Consulting & Project Manager for NADTC’s Implementation Grants. Steve most recently served as Transit Services Manager for the Arlington County (VA) Department of Environmental Services – Transportation Division, where he oversaw planning and operations for Arlington Transit (ART) fixed-route transit as well as Specialized Transit for…
Community Readiness for Mobile Application: Evaluating and Innovating
Comments OffThanks to guest blogger, Sherry Welsh with 3P Ride in York, Pennsylvania, for preparing this post. This blog features highlights from their 2018 grant project whose goal was to identify and evaluate replicable programs or applications that work to match/connect individuals for mobility purposes, and test a process that aligns with the goals and needs of older adults…
Understanding Half Fare/Reduced Fare Requirements
Comments OffBlog Posted on Feb. 12, 2018, and updated June 6, 2023. Co-authored by Tara N. Clark and subsequently updated by Bret Martin, Program Managers, Federal Transit Administration Office of Program Management. Public transportation law requires public transportation agencies that receive Federal Transit Administration (FTA) funding under the Section 5307 Urbanized Area Formula Program to offer…
Five Key Elements to Consider When Planning for a Grant’s Sustainability
Comments OffSince January 2017, NADTC has had the honor of supporting six communities through the “Innovations in Accessible Mobility” grant program. Each grantee is funded with up to $50,000 for 12 months (through December) to develop and implement innovations that expand mobility opportunities for older adults and people with disabilities in their communities. To learn more…