10 articles found in ‘Coordination, Planning & Public Participation’ Category

14 Sep 23

Designing Innovative Transportation Pilot Projects for All

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Guest Blogger—Alvaro Villagran is director of federal programs for the Shared-Use Mobility Center (SUMC). The Shared-Use Mobility Center (SUMC) is a public-interest organization and an international thought leader in shared mobility. SUMC is working to replace car-centric transportation with people-focused shared mobility to fight climate change, promote equity and universal access, and strengthen community. Since…

23 Mar 22

Do you Want to Tackle Transportation Coordination? Then Tackle TACL!

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Guest Blogger – Cara Marcus, MSLIS, the Resource Center Manager for National RTAP and the Chair of the TACL Task Force.         What is TACL? You’ve definitely heard about transportation coordination – and your agency may be in the planning, implementation, or management stage.  But have you heard about TACL?  Don’t worry if…

03 Feb 22

Put the Brakes on Human Trafficking

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What is Human Trafficking? Human trafficking is generally understood to be the recruitment, harboring, transporting, provision, or obtaining of a person for labor or services through force, fraud our coercion, and has become the fastest growing enterprise in the world, creating a multi-billion dollar a year criminal industry. Since its inception in 2010, the President…

22 Dec 21

Adult Changing Stations Become a Common Amenity in Several States

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BACKGROUND The United States has had a long history of connecting people to various parts of the country through a network of highways, roads and bridges. Modes of travel have certainly evolved over the years, and with the development of the automobile it expanded the idea of constant movement around our cities and towns, road…

19 Feb 20

Rural Missouri Health Network Plans Regional Ride System

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Special thanks to guest bloggers Kelly Ast, Project Director, Rides to Health & Wealth and to Patty Cantrell, Director of New Growth for preparing this post. This article provides an overview  of how organizations in rural west central Missouri collaborated to form the region’s Rides to Health and Wealth program to address rural transportation issues.  Rural communities across America…

24 Jun 19

Senior Volunteer Transportation Network Improving Mobility Options in Tennessee

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Special thanks to guest blogger Keita Cole with the Senior Volunteer Transportation Network (SVTN) for providing the following overview of a cutting-edge coalition that is supporting the work and development of volunteer transportation programs in Tennessee. “Have you ever wondered how you would get to the grocery store if you were not able to drive?…

03 May 19

Strengthening Local Transportation Services Through Community Dialogue

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Thank you to guest blogger Kelley Macmillan, Sanford Center for Aging, at the University of Nevada, School of Medicine for preparing this post. This blog features highlights from their 2018 NADTC planning grant project that engaged older adults and people with disabilities in a dialogue to improve engagement in their community through innovative transportation options….

26 Apr 19

Creating Inclusive Shared Mobility for Older Adults and People with Disabilities

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Thank you to guest blogger, Mitch LaRosa with Shared Mobility Inc. in Buffalo, New York,  for preparing this post. This blog features highlights from their 2018 planning grant project whose goal was to engage in research to examine how shared mobility programs can be more inclusive for older adults, people with disabilities and veterans. Project…

04 Mar 19

Community Readiness for Mobile Application: Evaluating and Innovating

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Thanks to guest blogger, Sherry Welsh with 3P Ride in York, Pennsylvania, for preparing this post. This blog features highlights from their 2018 grant project whose goal was to identify and evaluate replicable programs or applications that work to match/connect individuals for mobility purposes, and test a process that aligns with the goals and needs of older adults…

20 Dec 18

A Closer Look at Community Accessibility: Arlington County’s Walk-and-Talk

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NADTC thanks Pamela Van Hine of Arlington County, Virginia, for this interview. Pamela participated in NADTC’s 2018 Accessible Pedestrian Pathways mini-course and used ideas from the course for a September walkability audit conducted by the county’s Disability Advisory Commission (DAC) and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (PAC).  Background On September 22, 2018, the Arlington County Disability Advisory…