7 articles found in ‘Volunteer Transportation’ Category
Volunteer Driver Programs: Creative Recruitment Strategies
Comments OffGuest Blogger – Virginia Salem (Ginny) started as the administrator for Northern Essex Elder Transport, Inc, (NEET) in 2017. She previously worked at the Salisbury Council on Aging advocating for better public transportation and served on the Transportation Task Force of the Advisory Board of Elder Services of the Merrimack Valley. Northern Essex Elder…
Spotlight on NADTC’s 2020 Innovations in Accessible Mobility Grantees
Comments OffThis blog was written by Caitlin Musselman, Senior Communications Associate at the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a). Learn how 10 communities across the country are working to implement innovative projects that will remove barriers to transportation and expand mobility options for older adults and people with disabilities. Local public transportation is a critical…
Act Now! The Census and Transportation
Comments OffThis blog is provided by Carrie Diamond, Training and Technical Assistance Specialist for the National Aging and Disability Transportation Center. If you have questions or comments, Carrie can be reached at cdiamond@easterseals.com According to the U.S. Constitution, the population of the country must be counted every 10 years. The last census was completed in…
Rural Missouri Health Network Plans Regional Ride System
Comments OffSpecial thanks to guest bloggers Kelly Ast, Project Director, Rides to Health & Wealth and to Patty Cantrell, Director of New Growth for preparing this post. This article provides an overview of how organizations in rural west central Missouri collaborated to form the region’s Rides to Health and Wealth program to address rural transportation issues. Rural communities across America…
Senior Volunteer Transportation Network Improving Mobility Options in Tennessee
Comments OffSpecial thanks to guest blogger Keita Cole with the Senior Volunteer Transportation Network (SVTN) for providing the following overview of a cutting-edge coalition that is supporting the work and development of volunteer transportation programs in Tennessee. “Have you ever wondered how you would get to the grocery store if you were not able to drive?…
5 Keys to Successful Volunteer Driver Programs
Comments OffPhoto credit: NADTC 2017 Photo Contest 2nd Place Winner, Whistlestop Carepool, San Rafael, California 5 Keys to Successful Volunteer Driver Programs Guest blogger: Valerie Lefler, MPA, President & CEO of Integrated Global Dimensions LLC in Lincoln, Nebraska With the rise of transportation options on the horizon and all the excitement around new shared mobility options,…
“Blaze a Trail” in May! NADTC Recognizes Older Americans Month
Comments OffThis year, the Older Americans Month theme is “Blaze a Trail.” The annual celebration, held each year in May, offers the opportunity to learn about, support, and celebrate our nation’s aging population. NADTC encourages all older adults, people with disabilities, caregivers, and organizations that support accessible transportation to think about how you can blaze…