Posts Tagged ‘people with disabilities’
A Ride to Independence: Kyle’s Story
Comments OffTransportation allows individuals with disabilities to achieve and sustain employment, and as employment opportunities expand for people with disabilities to work in integrated settings, transportation services to these jobs become even more important. While Medicaid waiver programs often cover transportation costs, some communities struggle to provide reliable transportation options afterhours or to employment outside of…
Adult Changing Stations Become a Common Amenity in Several States
Comments OffBACKGROUND The United States has had a long history of connecting people to various parts of the country through a network of highways, roads and bridges. Modes of travel have certainly evolved over the years, and with the development of the automobile it expanded the idea of constant movement around our cities and towns, road…
Travel Patterns of American Adults with Disabilities
Comments OffThis blog features highlights from the Bureau of Transportation Statistics’ September 2018 Travel Patterns of American Adults with Disabilities. The report reinforces the role that transportation has in consistent access to employment, social activities, daily errands, and healthcare. Background The Travel Patterns report uses data from the 2017 National Household Travel Survey (NHTS) to examine the…
5 Keys to Successful Volunteer Driver Programs
Comments OffPhoto credit: NADTC 2017 Photo Contest 2nd Place Winner, Whistlestop Carepool, San Rafael, California 5 Keys to Successful Volunteer Driver Programs Guest blogger: Valerie Lefler, MPA, President & CEO of Integrated Global Dimensions LLC in Lincoln, Nebraska With the rise of transportation options on the horizon and all the excitement around new shared mobility options,…
Understanding Half Fare/Reduced Fare Requirements
Comments OffBlog Posted on Feb. 12, 2018, and updated June 6, 2023. Co-authored by Tara N. Clark and subsequently updated by Bret Martin, Program Managers, Federal Transit Administration Office of Program Management. Public transportation law requires public transportation agencies that receive Federal Transit Administration (FTA) funding under the Section 5307 Urbanized Area Formula Program to offer…
TCRP Report 188: A Look at Shared Mobility
Comments OffShared mobility (e.g., rideshare and Transportation Network Companies such as Uber and Lyft) is transforming transportation options, particularly for older adults and people with disabilities. This blog post explores the results of 2016 Transit Cooperative Research Program Report 188 Shared Mobility and the Transformation of Public Transit. A full copy of the report and an…