Found 17 results


Enhanced Transparency: A Comprehensive Review of 5310 Program Websites

NADTC conducted a comprehensive review of FTA Section 5310, Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities, programmatic information available on 54 State DOT and U.S. territory websites. This review was to determine the usefulness of the resources available and how funding information was presented to current grantees, potential grantees and the public. The outcome…

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NADTC’s 2024 Rural Transportation Planning Grant Winners Announced

The 2024 Rural Community Innovations: Transportation Planning Grants have been awarded to twelve rural communities. This press release describes the grant program and provides a summary of each grant project.

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NADTC Grantees: Where Are They Now?

NADTC Community Grants focus on areas with significant need and scarce resources. The projects highlighted by past grantees in this webinar will emphasize community involvement with innovative planning, enhanced collaboration between transit and human services transportation programs, and develop tactics for maximizing funding opportunities like Section 5310 and various federal, state, and local resources to…

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Using Non-FTA Federal Funds for Local Match

When it comes to applying for Federal Transit Administration (FTA) funding under various programs like Section 5307, Section 5310, and Section 5311, it is important to research the types of funds that can be utilized for local match. This publication provides guidance on federal and local match as well as federal fund braiding opportunities.

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2020 Innovations in Accessible Mobility Grants

Introduction In 2020, the NADTC awarded Innovations in Accessible Mobility Grants to expand access to accessible transportation options to support community living and improve the lives of older adults and people with disabilities. Grants of up to $30,000 were awarded to ten communities who had seven months to implement a project to develop  new transportation approaches…

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2017 Innovations in Accessible Mobility Grants

Introduction NADTC’s premier group of six Innovations in Accessible Mobility Grants launched in January 2017. Over the course of twelve months, each project developed and implemented a program innovation to increase accessible transportation options for older adults and people with disabilities living in the community. The projects also worked to maximize the utilization of Section…

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2019 Innovations in Accessible Mobility Grants

Introduction NADTC awarded $400,000 to communities in five states–Colorado, Maine, New Mexico, New York and Oklahoma. Each project implemented a program innovation to increase accessible transportation options for older adults and people with disabilities living in the community by removing barriers to transportation and expanding mobility options. The projects also sought to maximize utilization of…

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Federal Funding for Transportation Programs Serving Older Adults and People with Disabilities

This Resource Guide provides an inventory of federal grants that may be used to serve the transportation needs of older adults and people with disabilities.

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Grant Lifecycle: Application to Sustainability

This toolbox is designed to help potential grantees: 1) find grant opportunities; 2) be prepared to apply for discretionary and other Federal, state, and local grants; 3) manage grants once received; and 4) sustain a project after the grant is complete.

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Federal Funding Resources

Applicant Toolkit for Competitive Funding Programs at USDOT The United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) has developed an Applicant Toolkit to provide guidance as part of the Rural Opportunities to Use Transportation for Economic Success (R.O.U.T.E.S.) This toolkit supports potential applicants in identifying and navigating USDOT discretionary grant funding opportunities for rural transportation projects. In…

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