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Section 5310 and Cycling without Age Program

Section 5310 and Cycling without Age Program introduces a unique program for older adults and people with disabilities, to get outside and be active using a trishaw bike. This report highlights the Make the Ride Happen program in Wisconsin that allows users to enjoy the ride, rather than peddling, bringing joy and vitality back into…

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Making 5310 Funding Work for Transportation DEI Efforts

Making 5310 Funding Work for Transportation DEI Efforts emphasizes the importance of inclusive planning and addressing the specific challenges and needs of diverse populations to better serve communities with greater equity, through regular practice and programming.  This report showcases the efforts of Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT), and how they analyzed the use of…

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Mobility Management and FTA Section 5310

Mobility Management and FTA Section 5310, highlights the important role of mobility mangers, and the impact they can have on individual riders and the community or region being served. This report showcases two agencies who have built a mobility management program from the ground up, and continue to grow and implement innovative projects.

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FTA Discretionary Grant Technical Assistance

NADTC Technical Assistance for FTA Grantees NADTC provides person-centered technical assistance to organizations who have been awarded Federal Transit Administration (FTA) grants, helping build capacity and creating opportunities for learning and knowledge exchange among grantees. NADTC is positioned to collect and share best practices of potentially replicable projects with the larger public by sharing the…

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NADTC Transportation Equity Stakeholder Meeting

⇒ Click here to download a copy of the urban and suburban presentation  ⇒ Click here to download a copy of the rural, tribal and frontier presentation  NADTC will convene Virtual Transportation Equity Stakeholder Meetings on June 21 and June 23. The meeting on June 21st is targeted to urban and suburban areas and the meeting on…

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Transportation DEI Lunch and Learn: Social and Economic Mobility

⇒ Click here to view the recording ⇒ Click here to download a copy of the presentation Please join us for our next Transportation Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Lunch and Learn Webinar on June 16, 2022 from 12:00p to 12:45pm Eastern. Our session will feature Julie Timm,  Chief Executive Officer of the Greater Richmond Transit…

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Out of Reach for Access to Care

Telehealth was perhaps the most positive outcome of COVID-19. When cities and states announced stay-at-home mandates, telehealth became a critical path to maintaining our nation’s health. Still, telehealth could not answer such in-person medical needs as dialysis, cancer treatment, surgical treatment, and even some  behavioral health therapy, including substance use treatment. This became particularly true…

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Post COVID-19 Report: Resiliency and Transformation

NADTC has completed a report called, Post COVID-19 Report: Resiliency and Transformation, that reviews how human service and transit providers reacted to the many challenges caused by the pandemic and highlights imaginative ways that both continued to serve their communities in a responsive and resilient manner.

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Safe Trips in a Connected Transportation Network

This coordination case study describes how the Atlanta Regional Commission is working with local jurisdictions and regional partners to integrate five programs into a single system that will provide users with personalized, complete trip information.

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