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ARCHIVED – Going Beyond Borders

This webinar features programs that enable clients and passengers to go beyond a typical jurisdictional border. Crossing a county or state line may go unnoticed when driving, but for many older adults and people with disabilities who do not drive, that line may represent a barrier to much-needed services, including access to medical care, shopping,…

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Transportation and Mobility: It is a Brave New World!

Mar 08, 2017

This is the sixth and final blog in a series of technology alerts that have been shared with the NADTC mailing list. Make sure you check out the first five blog posts: “How Do I Get Started with Technology” , “What are the Keys to Making Technology Implementation Successful?”, “Navigating Funding Opportunities for Technology Planning and Deployment“, “An Embarrassment…

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Exploring Human Services Transportation: Materials Toolkit

In the Winter of 2017, NADTC conducted an online course exploring the role of human services agencies in transportation. The following written and video material resulted from the two-month program.  While each of these sessions is complementary to one another, they can be reviewed independently. You may notice that the materials posted reference Learning Assignments…

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Bringing Mobility as a Service to the United States: Accessibility Opportunities and Challenges

According to the MaaS Alliance, “Mobility as a Service (MaaS) puts users, both travelers and goods, at the core of transport services, offering them tailor-made mobility solutions based on their individual needs. This means that, for the first time, easy access to the most appropriate transport mode or service will be included in a bundle…

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TCRP Report 188: A Look at Shared Mobility

Jan 09, 2017

Shared mobility (e.g., rideshare and Transportation Network Companies such as Uber and Lyft) is transforming transportation options, particularly for older adults and people with disabilities. This blog post explores the results of 2016 Transit Cooperative Research Program Report 188 Shared Mobility and the Transformation of Public Transit. A full copy of the report and an…

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Autonomous Vehicles & the Disability and Aging Communities

Dec 19, 2016

The possibility of seeing an autonomous vehicle (or “highly automated vehicle” in DOT parlance) driving down your street is no longer a question of “if” but “when.”  For example, Pittsburgh Uber now offers users the option of being picked up in a self-driving car, one of fourteen Ford Fusions equipped with radar, cameras and other…

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Older Driver Safety Awareness Week

Dec 07, 2016

Every year throughout the first week in December, the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) celebrates Older Driver Safety Awareness Week (ODSAW) to promote an understanding of the importance of mobility and transportation to older adults.  NADTC is thrilled to join AOTA in this celebration. Earlier this week we participated in a Twitter chat with other experts…

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