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Every Ride Counts Campaign Guidance

NADTC’s Every Ride Counts campaign is designed to support local communities’ efforts to promote the availability and accessibility of transportation options for older adults, people with disabilities and caregivers. This resource builds on the Every Ride Counts Campaign to offer guidance on effective communications approaches to transportation programs, mobility managers and information and referral providers.

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2021 Trends Report Spotlight: Rural Volunteer Transportation Programs

This Trends Report highlights the importance of volunteer driver programs in rural communities across the United States, especially those providing transportation services for riders going to vital medical appointments in neighboring towns or cities. This informational brief showcases local programs and their ability to recruit and retain volunteer drivers in rural communities.

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2020 Trends Report Spotlight: Medicare Advantage Transportation Programs

Medicare Advantage Plans, often referred to as “Part C” or “MA Plans,” are offered by Medicare-approved private companies that must follow established Medicare policy and procedures. These plans offer medical benefits, as well as coverage for things the basic Medicare plan does not cover, such as vision, hearing, dental, and fitness programs and Part D…

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2020 Transportation Trends Report

This report reviews 2020’s trending topics in transportation. The Trends Report provides an overview of what’s trending in the industry, questions we receive at NADTC and important transportation issues in communities across the U.S. 2020 topics include: Volunteer Driver Programs in the Age of COVID-19 Transportation for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (I/DD) A…

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NADTC 2019 National Survey of Transportation Providers

As a follow-up to our National Aging and Disability Transportation Center needs assessment survey of older adults, people with disabilities and caregivers, NADTC, in partnership with KRC Research, conducted a survey of transportation providers that serve those populations. Questions focused on communications and outreach, driver training and safety, coordination, funding, challenges and unmet needs.

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2019 Trends Report Topic Spotlight: Filling a Need: Hiring Veterans and People with Disabilities in Transit

In this Hiring Veterans and People with Disabilities in Transit Topic Spotlight, NADTC reviews the hiring of veterans and people with disabilities in transit. There are many transit agencies that could benefit from the capabilities of and value added by qualified applicants with disabilities. This report guides agencies in understanding the values, skills, and ideas people…

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2019 Trends Report Topic Spotlight: Mental Health and Transportation

In this Mental Health and Transportation Topic Spotlight , NADTC reviews how access to mental health services for disadvantaged populations requires coordination of a number of different elements, including transportation providers. This brief takes a look examples of how some transportation agencies are using federal, local and/or state funding to coordinate or provide transportation to mental health services.    

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Medical Transportation: Multi-Model Approaches to Accessing Health Care Services Toolkit

The Medical Transportation Toolkit was adapted from NADTC’s fall 2019 online course which provided an in-depth look at transportation programs addressing the gaps in access to health care services in their community and how these programs play a key role in providing medical transportation services to older adults and people with disabilities. This toolkit is designed to provide organizations…

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