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Training Videos for Drivers and Transit Personnel

Access Matters Video Series

NADTC is pleased to present Access Matters, a series of videos created in partnership and in dedication to Donna Smith (1959-2022). These videos were created to train drivers to be more sensitive to the needs of people who are blind, deaf and have other disabilities who rely on public transportation. The series of five, short videos covers important topics such as communication, service animals, what access means and tips for serving people with a variety of disabilities. Educating drivers about the needs of people with disabilities will allow them to provide the most helpful customer service to all riders of public transportation so that people can remain independent in their communities. NADTC encourages these videos to be widely used across all sectors of transportation service.

Access Matters:  What Does Access Mean?

Access Matters:  Communication

Access Matters:  Various Disabilities

Access Matters:  Service Animals

Access Matters:  Different Types of Assistance

Communicating with Travelers who are Deafblind

Sound Transit from Seattle, WA, created a 26-minute training video for frontline transit personnel, on effective communications with passengers who are deafblind.