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Coordination Case Studies

These case studies, written with assistance and guidance from NADTC’s Coordination Advisory Committee, reflect unique and successful coordination projects resulting in improved, accessible transportation in four locations around the country.


Rural Transportation Incubator  Age Friendly Arizona launched the Rural Transportation Incubator which uses technology to provide rides to older adults with low incomes in rural areas.





Safe Trips in a Connected Transportation Network  The Atlanta Regional Commission is working with local jurisdictions and regional partners to integrate five programs into a single system that will provide users with personalized, complete trip information.





Seniors and Vulnerable Transportation  The Denver Regional Mobility and Access Council (DRMAC) merged transportation resources from nine counties into one platform called Getting There Guide, thus enabling DRMAC to update all three sources simultaneously from a single entry.




Virginia Rural Microtransit Project  Bay Transit and Mountain Empire Older Citizens in western Virginia implemented a microtransit service to provide transportation to older adults and people with disabilities in a very rural area with several geographical challenges.


Topics: Coordination